
Monitoring Report on Resolution 1325, Colombia 2016-2017

Through the Women, Peace and Security Observatory, the Humanas Corporation monitors the fulfilment of the Colombian government’s obligations under UN Security Council Resolution 1325 of 2000 and subsequent resolutions on women, peace and security: 1820 of 2008, 1888 of 2009, 1889 of 2009, 1960 of 2010, 2106 of 2013, 2122 of 2013 and 2242 of 2015. The Observatory is supported by the Women and Development Forum (FOKUS) and is part of the FOKUS 1325 programme in Colombia.

In order to carry out the monitoring, the proposal made by the Secretary General of the United Nations Security Council in the 28 September 2010 report (S/2010/498) to follow up Resolution 1325 was used. Twenty-six indicators that make up the monitoring system proposed by the Secretary are divided into four components (prevention, participation, protection, and relief and recovery). Responsibility for reporting on the different indicators has been divided between the United Nations system and the Member State, however, there are indicators that need to be reported on by both sides.

This monitoring report presents data related to the Colombian government’s compliance with Resolution 1325 for 2016 and the first half of 2017; it is the fourth monitoring report. Nine indicators are considered in this report, focusing on the components of participation, protection and relief-recovery3, corresponding to those which the Member State is required to report on.

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